Tag Archives: Toilet Paper

My Whoops in the Woods: Let’s Talk Bums

Disclosure: I am writing for and being compensated by Cottonelle for this blog post.

I’ve had great fun being a brand ambassador for Cottonelle’s Let’s Talk Bums campaign. Not only have I helped to spread the word about a worthy product, but my bathroom humor has reached a new high, or low, depending on how you look at such things.

cottonelle clean routine lets talk bunsAs my ambassadorship comes to an end, I want to share a story that until now has been kept under wraps, and for good reason. A story that, I swear on a stack of Cottonelle Toilet Tissue Rolls, is 100% true.

When I was a kid I spent several summers at an overnight camp in the Catskills. Camp High Point was where I learned how to shoot a bow and arrow, memorize Color War songs and gulp glasses of bug juice.

My favorite part of camp, though, was horseback riding. Putting on my riding gear and running downhorses the big hill to the stables filled me with joy. Sometimes I would have a lesson in the corral; other times I went on group trail rides through the leafy foothills.

One day I learned that I was one of several campers who had qualified for an overnight ride. That meant that we would saddle up mid-afternoon, head out on the trails and set up camp when we reached our destination a few miles away. For a wrangler wannabe like me, this was a dream come true.

graham cracker smores In a single line we walked our horses along a quiet country road, their hooves clop clopping and tails swishing, and came to a rocky path on the right that led us up the mountain to a clearing where we set up camp. The counselors cooked burgers over a fire and later we roasted marshmallows and sang camp songs under a sliver of moonlight.

When it was time to roll out our sleeping bags for the night, I looked around, hoping to see, like an oasis in a desert, a public restroom. In this wilderness? Not a chance. Into the woods I would go, flashlight in hand.

I left the cozy warmth of the dying embers, stepping gingerly over fallen tree branches to a spot I deemed bathroom-worthy. I kicked off my boots and stripped down to get ‘er done.

The weak beam of light from my flashlight flickered once or twice and then extinguished, as did any hope of making this task quick and easy. Darkness enveloped me with cold arms. I heard the hoot of an owl and shivered.

Done. Jeans are back on. Boots are … where did I toss my boots? I felt helpless as I blindly patted the ground around me.

Ah, there they are. I put one on and reached for the second one. As my foot slipped in, I encountered a soft resistance, a mushiness, and then … I gasped in horror.

I did. It was.

Mortified, holding the reeking boot at arm’s length, I stumbled back to the campsite where my distress was greeted first with disbelief and then whoops of laughter. My face was aflame with embarrassment as everyone howled.

This dreadful deed ultimately earned me an invitation to the camp’s exclusive and coveted Nut Club, whose members had also committed equally embarrassing experiences and probably could tell their stories all these years later, too.

If Cottonelle’s  Flushable Wipes had been around back then, this story might have had a happier ending.

And now that I’ve bared all, take a look at Cherry Healey’s video about cleaning your bumpers. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook and on Twitter with #LetsTalkBums.


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The Poop on the New Fall TV Season

Disclosure: I am writing for and being compensated by Cottonelle for this blog post.

Ah, the delightful feeling of a spanking clean bum.

That’s what I have learned as a brand ambassador for Cottonelle’s #LetsTalkBums campaign. Using Cottonelle Toilet Paper followed by Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths gives your tushie a one-two punch of freshness that fills you with serenity. Your very own zen in the bathroom. You should try it.

poop about the new fall TV season

Call me Madam Ambassador.

I take my role as a Cottonelle brand ambassador very seriously. Cottonelle has been on my mind as well as my tush. But in between thoughts of Cottonelle I’ve also been focused on the new fall TV season which debuts this week. As my thoughts migrated from Cottonelle to TV and back, it all started to get a bit jumbled up. Which got me thinking. What if I could tweak these TV show titles juuusst a tad to come up with something a little more edgy, now that my sense of humor is in the toilet?

So. Consider these.

America’s Got No Talent. Contenders vie to produce the most impressive bathroom sounds in front of a live audience. Co-starring: Mel BM

American (M)Idol. Contestants test their skill as they sing and experience stomach cramps simultaneously. Who will get through the song, and who will make a mad dash for the bathroom and face certain elimination? Guest star: Loo Ann Rimes

The Apprent-ass. Real estate magnate and hair-challenged businessman Donald (T)Rump  shows contenders how to be an ass in the boardroom.

Breaking Wind. In a stomach-churning episode, Heisenberg and Pinkman cook up something revolting. Better call Saul or make sure that diner booth is near a bathroom.

Downton Crappy. Something smells foul in the servants’ quarters. Mrs. Hughes is displeased. Carson raises his eyebrows. Daisy giggles.

Game of Porcelain Thrones. Incest. Betrayals. Beheadings.  The confusing saga of the Stark clan may best be pondered while sitting on the can.

Grey’s Lower Anatomy. Is it a flu bug, or irritable bowel? The GI docs at Grey Sloane Memorial discuss a bout of diarrhea to the strains of an indie rock song. Guest star: Norbert Leo Butz

English: Watching a comedic television show he...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Keeping up with the Krapdashians. Kim, Kourtney and Khloe lock Kris in the bathroom to keep her out of their business. While doing her business, Kris muses over her abbreviated career as a talk show host.

Mad Menopause. The middle-aged secretaries of Sterling Cooper & Partners gather in the restroom to complain about hot flashes and insomnia. Guest star: Potty Duke

Poops and Recreation. Leslie persuades City Council to install pet-o-potties for Pawnee’s first Four Footed Friends Festival. Guest star: Estool Parsons  

Can you think of any I missed?

The fine folks at Cottonelle provided this awesome video. Follow Cherry Healey as she crosses the pond and surprises airport travelers with Cottonelle wipes. BOOM!

Join us in the conversation over at Facebook or on Twitter at #LetsTalkBums.

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Flush Those Cares Away: I’m Talking About Bums

This is a sponsored post written by me for Cottonelle.

I’m all about potty talk today.

OK, I’ll come clean. My mission is to come to the defense of the lowly, sometimes scorned, often unappreciated, rarely funny fanny.

Bums get no respect. Think about the pejorative references to our behinds, such as being the butt of a joke, or butt ugly. Or this.

donkey face

Personally, I don’t give my bum much more than a how-de-do on a typical day.

But as a newly appointed brand ambassador for Cottonelle, I realize my posterior deserves a little more panache, and so does yours. Who wouldn’t want to feel better about their bottoms? Shall we all try a little tenderness with our tushies?

With the Cottonelle Clean Routine, it is easy to pamper your derriere with just one additional step in your normal routine. Use Cottonelle Toilet Paper as usual, followed with a gentle swipe of a moist Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloth, and you will feel ass-toundingly clean. You will be tempted to skip joyfully through a field of daisies while singing of your newly found cleanliness.

Now, you might be thinking, wipes? Really? Like the ones we used when our babies had poopy diapers? No, these wipes are definitely for us grown-ups who want to look and feel and smell our best. And that’s no sh*t.

Cottonelle wants you to join in the conversation. Come learn more about the Cottonelle Clean Routine on Facebook.  You can join on Twitter with the hashtag #letstalkbums.

And for a giggle, watch Cherry Healey talking about Cottonelle’s new campaign. Take a look:

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