Flush Those Cares Away: I’m Talking About Bums

This is a sponsored post written by me for Cottonelle.

I’m all about potty talk today.

OK, I’ll come clean. My mission is to come to the defense of the lowly, sometimes scorned, often unappreciated, rarely funny fanny.

Bums get no respect. Think about the pejorative references to our behinds, such as being the butt of a joke, or butt ugly. Or this.

donkey face

Personally, I don’t give my bum much more than a how-de-do on a typical day.

But as a newly appointed brand ambassador for Cottonelle, I realize my posterior deserves a little more panache, and so does yours. Who wouldn’t want to feel better about their bottoms? Shall we all try a little tenderness with our tushies?

With the Cottonelle Clean Routine, it is easy to pamper your derriere with just one additional step in your normal routine. Use Cottonelle Toilet Paper as usual, followed with a gentle swipe of a moist Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloth, and you will feel ass-toundingly clean. You will be tempted to skip joyfully through a field of daisies while singing of your newly found cleanliness.

Now, you might be thinking, wipes? Really? Like the ones we used when our babies had poopy diapers? No, these wipes are definitely for us grown-ups who want to look and feel and smell our best. And that’s no sh*t.

Cottonelle wants you to join in the conversation. Come learn more about the Cottonelle Clean Routine on Facebook.  You can join on Twitter with the hashtag #letstalkbums.

And for a giggle, watch Cherry Healey talking about Cottonelle’s new campaign. Take a look:

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9 Thoughts on “Flush Those Cares Away: I’m Talking About Bums

  1. While I absolutely MUST draw the line at blogging about ass-wipes, I can attest that Cottonelle makes an excellent wipe in every ASS-pect and that its product is a staple in my household.

    That is all. Some things simply must remain private.
    Carol Cassara recently posted…Let the past nurture the futureMy Profile

  2. A funny take on something I’ve honestly never thought about since my mother potty trained me at 2! Well, well. Something to think about!
    Cathy Chester recently posted…Almost Wordless Wednesday: The Privilege Of Being His MomMy Profile

    • You are every blogger’s dream … always supportive, no matter what the topic! xoxo

  3. Oy! And for this we sent you to college, to be an ambassador for toilet paper? Oy again!
    Jane Gassner (@MidLifeBloggers) recently posted…MidLifeBloggers Writers Workshop: Sign Up NowMy Profile

  4. Lois Cohen on September 4, 2013 at 9:30 am said:

    Who ever knew you could be so funny!

  5. Hi Helene, A great blog and an interesting post!
    By great coincidence, I recently wrote a sonnet in honour of the humble behind.

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