Book Buzz: Perfect Days

If you have nerves of steel and a stomach to match, you might be able to handle reading Perfect Days, the chilling crime novel from Brazilian wunderkind Raphael Montes that has its English language debut today.

Perfect Days

But if sexual perversion, bondage, kidnapping, maiming and killing are just too much, think twice.

Perfect Days is the story of Teo, a medical student, and Clarice, the woman he obsesses over, and their disturbing jaunt through the highways and byways of Brazil.


On the creep-o-meter, I would rank Perfect Days, well, let’s put it this way. The needle has zoomed so far to the right that it has broken the scale.

This is not the kind of book I normally read, but I was intrigued by the buzz. Scott Turow blurbed on the cover, “Raphael Montes is one of the most brilliant young novelists I’ve encountered. He is certain to redefine Brazilian crime fiction and to emerge as a figure on the world literary scene.”

So I thought I would give it a shot. The beginning paragraphs were strong and I was hooked right away.  After a few pages when things started to, well, deteriorate, I debated whether I should continue.

And then I saw that Perfect Days was named an Amazon Best Book of February 2016, and I decided to stay with it til the bitter end. As twisted and macabre as it was, I couldn’t put it down.

Turow is right. Montes is a terrific writer.

Perfect Days

Teo lives with his wheelchair-bound mother in an apartment in Rio de Janeiro. His best friend is a cadaver (mmm hmm). He meets Clarice, a pretty, vivacious art history student who aspires to be a screenwriter, at a party his mother forces him to attend. Teo falls for Clarice and imagines a life with her. She has no interest in him, but he is undeterred.

Without the social skills to pursue her like a normal person, he kidnaps her, thinking that forced togetherness will open her eyes to his charms and she will fall in love and they will live happily ever after.

There are unexpected twists and turns as the characters shift roles and make their way to the beautiful and remote island of Ilha Grande (which I have been to. It was where my son and his Brazilian fiancee got married). We learn more about their personalities and motivations as the story unfolds. Is Clarice’s detest for Teo dissolving or is this a strategy to escape? When will Teo get caught? The ending totally caught me by surprise.

To get you in the mood, here is book trailer featuring the author.

And here is one with readers’ reactions … priceless.

Take the creepiness of Gone Girl and multiply it by 100. That comes close to the gestalt of Perfect Days.


One of my readers will receive a copy of Perfect Days (if you are brave enough to try it!). Please leave a comment below and a winner will be chosen randomly. US addresses only, please.

I received a copy of Perfect Days from Penguin for an honest review,
which is the only kind of review I write.

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41 Thoughts on “Book Buzz: Perfect Days

  1. I don’t know, Helene. It sounds intriguing and I’m sure it’s a good read. It will do well. But I am a chicken and I still remember how I felt after reading books like In Cold Blood and Compulsion. I tried to scare myself as a kid and it worked! Yikes!
    Cathy Chester recently posted…A Spotlight On Seven Wonderful Ways To Stay Healthy When You TravelMy Profile

  2. I always love your reviews and am happy to leave a comment, Helene, but I don’t think I want to be the random winner for this one!

  3. That’s too much for me!

  4. This sounds like a book that would keep you on the edge of your seat! I have wanted to start reading more and more. You definitely have my attention and intrigue

  5. This book sound interesting. I do enjoy a good book so adding this to my list.
    Rebecca Bryant recently posted…Universal Studios Orlando Limited Handicap AccessMy Profile

  6. Oh my goodness, my stomach is in a knot just reading your description of this book, but you definitely have me curious. I’ll have to add it my must-read list for 2016!
    Cathy recently posted…The Best & Most Healthy Coffee Cake You’ll Ever EatMy Profile

  7. Ooh, you’ve made this sound so intriguing! I would love to read it, although I think it would have to be in the middle of the day with the sun shining and lots of people around!
    Lois Alter Mark recently posted…diet coke: it’s mine!My Profile

  8. I have never heard of that book, or read anything from that particular author. It sounds like something I would like to read…thanks!!
    Gloria @ Homemade & Yummy recently posted…PBJ All Grown UpMy Profile

  9. Wow! Excellent review of a book that is outside of your normal reading. Helene, you have added several books to my TBR, so I opened this post with trepidation. However, I don’t think I will be adding this one, as intriguing as it sounds in some ways.
    I would absolutely read it if I won it (alas, I have a Canadian address!)

  10. Thanks for the warning. You really CAN’T tell a book by it’s cover! I will skip this one, but I should tell you that my Amazon wish list runs off your reviews. 😉
    Carol Cassara recently posted…What matters to usMy Profile

  11. Wow this sounds like a sad read. Definitely sounds like many twists and turns.
    Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Birds Of A Feather Flock Together (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With LinkyMy Profile

  12. I totally enjoyed Gone Girl and if this is like it then I’m going to be all over it. I’ll have to add this to my Kindle book list.
    Amanda Love recently posted…Our Wooden Spoon Family – Crafts for KidsMy Profile

  13. Definitely sounds like an interesting read. I like surprise endings!
    Ashley @irishred02 recently posted…New Favorites at Corner Bakery!My Profile

  14. This book sounds really scary and like something that will keep readers on the edge of their seats turning page after page.

  15. I’m not sure this is the book for me. But what a fabulous review! Just your summary had me intrigued.

  16. I am a huge fan of scary books, this one sounds intense! You have given a great review, and I am definitely intrigued – adding it to my list of must reads 🙂
    Donna recently posted…Baked Turkey Meatballs with RicottaMy Profile

  17. I love your book reviews but I’m just not into creepy books. I’ll pass on this one, but thanks.
    Estelle recently posted…More about My Child on The Washington PostMy Profile

  18. Oh man – I just ordered this. I can’t wait to check it out!
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  19. This just doesn’t sound like my cup of poison.

  20. I figure if I can get through 5 Game of Thrones books and a lot of Steven King novels, I’ll be in good shape. Maybe. Willing and eager to give it a whirl. Currently reading Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica. I’ll get there!

    • hbludman on February 17, 2016 at 8:51 am said:

      Tammy, I almost said something in my review about Game of Thrones. If you can get through that, you can probably handle this book.

  21. I’m just about in need of a new book to read when I finish what I’m currently reading. I’m writing this title down. Thanks!

  22. Sounds so good! I think I can handle it!
    Milena recently posted…10 Things I Learned This Week in FebruaryMy Profile

  23. His best friend is a corpse? Wow. He sounds fun at parties.
    Liv recently posted…Less of a Blessing, More of a CurseMy Profile

  24. OMG Helene, sounds dreadful and maybe just maybe distracting enough to help me escape my own misery. ha I would read anything you recommended .

  25. Sue Eppenstein on February 23, 2016 at 3:58 pm said:

    Good review, however, I’m cutting back on the blood and guts movies, shows, and books
    for awhile. I will keep it in mind…for a darker time!

  26. I am SO IN. I will read it whether I am a winner or not.
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