Book Buzz: The New Old Me

A woman of a certain age myself, I have often wondered, is it possible to start over at a point when you’re looking at the prime of your life through the rearview mirror? As the subtitle of Meredith Maran’s kick-ass and winsome new memoir, The New Old Me, indicates, yes you can.

Book Buzz: The New Old Me

Let’s hear it for feisty 60-somethings who pivot out of their comfort zone and find out there can be sweetness from the lemons life has thrown at you. You’ll pardon the cliches.

The New Old Me

Maran’s life had already gone through several iterations before she hit a road block that seemed insurmountable. Her loving marriage splintered and fell apart.  Her best friend died. And on a practical level, what would be her means of support now that her freelance writing gigs had shriveled into nothing?

Quite a heavy load for anyone, let alone a 60 year-old. But this 60 year-old was a life force to be reckoned with.

She applied for a regular day job as a copywriter in Los Angeles and got it, meaning a move from her memory-filled Oakland home, where she had raised two sons and lived with her now-estranged wife. Now, her roots were being uprooted. She would leave all the familiar behind.

You can imagine the culture shock in La La Land. In her new start-up, a clothing company staffed by stylish and whip-thin 20 and 30 year-olds, she felt like a dinosaur. I am the age of these women’s grandmothers, she observed. One of the shocks was the company’s Workout Wednesdays, the one day of the week when everyone came to work in their Lululemon outfits and had their fat measured in front of their colleagues. For a woman who as a home-based freelancer hadn’t worn a bra or pants without an elastic waistband in forever, this was an adjustment.

Maran is a woman who craves friendship and adventure.  She made connections through networking with acquaintances and began to build back her rolodex of friends who were up for a cup of coffee or a hike in the mountains. Bit by bit, she made a new and wonderful life.

I love this woman. She is lusty, funny, and gutsy. She redefines what it means to be an older woman whose expectations for love, friendship and meaning are not diminished by setbacks. How do we live fully, live deeply, when the ballgame of our life is in the eighth inning? That’s what you will learn from The New Old Me, a home run of a memoir.


One of my lucky readers will receive a copy of The New Old Me. Please leave a comment below and a winner will be randomly selected. USA addresses only, please.

I received a copy of The New Old Me from Penguin Random House for an honest review,
which is the only kind of review I write.

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45 Thoughts on “Book Buzz: The New Old Me

  1. I really hope I win the free copy! It sounds like an awesome book!

  2. I agree its never to late to change ourselves for the better. Whether we want to change careers, follow our passion or just simply make a lifestyle change. This book seems like it will be a great read and give us the motivation we need to make that leap towards success!

  3. Meredith’s story is an inspiration to all women, but especially 50+. Cannot wait to read it!

  4. how fun! Not only would I like to read this, I think it would make an awesome gift for my mom who I know would love it.
    Jessi Joachim recently posted…Starting A Blog: From Inception to MonetizationMy Profile

  5. This does sound like a winner, Helene! Things change so quickly and you turn around to find yourself in your 60’s. Fortunately, today’s 60 is not our mother’s 60! I will definitely have to read this.

  6. Definitely my kinda book!! Maran sounds just like the person I want to be in my 60’s (which is not so far off). This will go on my reading list!!

  7. This sounds like a great book – and a perfectly well-timed read for a woman I know who has been struggling with the new phase opening up in her life. Thanks!
    Author Brandi Kennedy recently posted…Thursday Therapy: Get The FidgetsMy Profile

  8. I love to read and i’ll love to read this book to post a review in my blog. I think we all hit that moment at an age.

  9. Oh cool, this sounds like a fabulous book!
    Amber Myers recently posted…Toothsome Chocolate Emporium Restaurant ReviewMy Profile

  10. This sounds like a very interesting read. Sounds like she is a real inspiration for courage. I admire people who can really break out of their patterns and try new adventures.

  11. This sounds like a really great story to read. I wish I could squeeze in a book in my busy life to read.

  12. This sounds like a good read. Although I’m not 60, it would be interesting to see how the woman in this story deals with the obstacles that cross her path. Nice.

  13. I don;t think its ever too late to reinvent yourself. I think it starts with the attitude that you are worth the investment.
    Stacey recently posted…Why You’ll Miss Traveling With KidsMy Profile

  14. This is my ideal kind of book for holiday reading! (The only time I actually get to read) I will order it thank you!
    Ladies Pass It On recently posted…HOW TO TALK TO KIDS ABOUT TERRORISMMy Profile

  15. This book sounds absolutely wonderful. It sounds entertaining as well as helping us learn that it is never too late to reinvent yourself.
    Jessica Hughes recently posted…Friday Faves- Makeup with Luminess Air and a BIG SALEMy Profile

  16. This sounds like a great book. Good luck everyone. I wish I was in the US to be entered to win.
    Wanderlust Vegans recently posted…Wanderlust Smoked Tofu WrapsMy Profile

  17. Wow! this sounds like a really good book. I just moved to a different state and i’m in my mid 20’s and feel like i’m too old to start making new friends. But this is inspiring!

  18. What a courageous woman. Sounds like a great read – I would read anything that Anne Lamott recommends.
    Pat recently posted…Terror Strikes the Heart of LondonMy Profile

  19. Elizabeth O. on March 27, 2017 at 8:03 am said:

    This sure sounds like an awesome book. It’s one that a lot of women can relate to, for sure. It sounds like the author has a lot of energy as well. That’s great!

  20. It’s never easy to rebuild your life no matter what stage you’re in or how old you are. I think it’s awesome that she had the drive to do that. That’s so inspiring! I would love to read this book.
    Carol Cassara recently posted…Mother Earth is watchingMy Profile

  21. Se manifique! madlove to you for promoting reading and books
    I really hope I win the free copy! It sounds like an awesome book!

  22. Cameron on March 27, 2017 at 11:28 am said:

    This sounds like a really great read – I’ll have to check it out!

  23. I love creative nonfiction. This book sounds fantastic! Thanks for always writing terrific reviews and then having giveaways!

  24. Yep. I sound like all the comments. Maran’s story might be just what I need.

  25. Blair villanueva on March 28, 2017 at 3:41 am said:

    What a generous giveaway 🙂 Huge good luck yo all the entries!

  26. Sounds like my life & circumstances at the moment. Can’t wait to read it. (Are we really “women of a certain age” already, Helene? Weren’t we just students at Georgetown only a few years ago? SMH)

  27. Elizabeth DiBenedetto on April 1, 2017 at 8:02 am said:

    Another book to add to the top of the pile!

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