And the Answer Is

I posted my four truths and a lie yesterday. I didn’t know what to expect. Was my lie an obvious one?

Let me say this about that. You,  Elin Stebbins Waldal, are the only one who guessed right!

Answer time

As promised, here are the answers. And this is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

 1. Bette Midler once asked to take a picture with me.

TRUE. A dear friend from high school wrote two of Bette’s award-winning shows. He invited me and a few other high school friends to come see her in The Showgirl Must Go On at Caesars Palace in Vegas in 2008. Not only did she give a terrific show, she met us afterwards for chit chat and refreshments. She was very friendly and gracious. At one point she turned our little group of friends and said, “Come on, let’s take some pictures.” We hesitated for a moment, but she insisted.

source: Wikipedia

source: Wikipedia


2. Waiting in line to board a flight, I realized Dick Cavett was right in front of me. I was too shy to say anything.

FALSE. Totally made this up. Never happened.

source: Wikipedia

source: Wikipedia

3. I told Gary Shteyngart I was writing a book and he wished me good luck.

TRUE. I met him at a Random House event last spring. He was on a panel talking about social media and authors. Afterwards he signed books. Of course I wanted to get his latest book, Little Failure, and as he autographed it I told him that the topic of my book also involved Russian immigrants. He was charming and friendly. “Good luck with your book,” he told me, and inscribed that on the page of his book.

source: Wikipedia

source: Wikipedia

4. Jane Fonda once asked me for directions at an airport.

TRUE. This was one of the most bizarre events of my entire life. It was during the Iranian oil embargo, maybe 1973? I was driving back to Washington, DC where I attended college. It was dark and I was still an hour from Washington with only a quarter tankful of gas. I looked for a gas station but I didn’t see one. In desperation, I took the Baltimore Washington Airport exit. What was i thinking? That there would be gas there? Anyway, it was almost deserted. Eerily so. I parked my car and started to walk into the terminal to ask for help. Jane Fonda and another person were standing there waiting for a cab. The normal cab line was empty. “Do you know where we can get a cab?” she asked me. I did a double take. Yes, it was her.

source: Wikipedia

source: Wikipedia

5. I waved to President Kennedy when he was on the campaign trail, and he looked straight at me and waved back.

TRUE. I was about seven years old and JFK was coming to my hometown for a campaign stop. My mother wanted to see him so she packed me into the car and we drove downtown to where the parade would be. Only thing was we didn’t anticipate how hard it would be to park  (no municipal garages back then). By the time we found a space on a side street and walked toward the parade, it was over. Gone. Dejected, we walked back to the car. All of a sudden the motorcade turned the corner and came down our street. No one was there but us. As the car passed we waved, and JFK smiled at us and waved back.

source: Wikipedia

source: Wikipedia



 photo Helenesig2.png
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56 Thoughts on “And the Answer Is

  1. Amanda Love on November 25, 2014 at 11:26 am said:

    So it seemed like I guessed wrong after all. Amazing stories you have there!

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) on November 25, 2014 at 11:27 am said:

    You’ve had a lot of cool celeb run ins. I wish I had so many fun stories 🙂

  3. Oh, I LOVED this Helene! Darn that Elin for being so Columbo-like ! 🙂

    Lucky you about Bette. How exciting and what a nice classmate to invite you all to Vegas. Wow!

    I don’t usually tell people this, but during my freshman year in college a bunch of friends got together and did something funny. I was in my room studying when I heard a knock at the door. When I opened it there was no one there, but a BIG poster of “The Divine Miss M” was scotch taped to my door and signed by everyone. They were always telling me I looked like Bette. I never like being told that, but with my long (then) curly hair, who knows. I love her vivacious personality and her singing so I am a fan. Anyway, thought I’d share that story with you!
    Cathy Chester recently posted…Accept Us For Who We Are And Love Us A Whole Lot MoreMy Profile

  4. Haaaa! I was wrong again.
    Carol Cassara recently posted…Peace on earth: benediction and beacon homeMy Profile

  5. You have met a lot of important people!

  6. Wow, so many run-ins with celebrities! I probably would have done a double take if Jane Fonda asked me for directions, too. She is such a wonderful actress!
    HilLesha recently posted…Andrea Schroder: The Poetry of FragranceMy Profile

  7. Nice memories of interesting people that you encountered – even just briefly – in your life.

  8. Lisa at GrandmasBriefs on November 25, 2014 at 4:13 pm said:

    Such brushes with celebrities! Love it! I missed your day of truths and lies, but am delighted to have read them after the fact. The degrees between myself and the famous has lessened considerably thanks to you. 😀
    Lisa at GrandmasBriefs recently posted…10 non-monetary ways to give on #GivingTuesdayMy Profile

    • hbludman on November 26, 2014 at 8:11 am said:

      I bet you’ve had your share too, Lisa, especially now that you are rubbing shoulders with the film community!

  9. That’s so fun. Wow, you’ve met some really interesting people.
    Tonya C recently posted…Ever After High Party: Raven Queen’s ThronecomingMy Profile

  10. This was so fun and star-studded!
    Carpool Goddess recently posted…Deep-Dish Apple PieMy Profile

  11. Nice stories, but if you had met Dick Cavett would you have bee too shy to talk to him?

  12. LOL! I got one right!!
    I am probably the only one who had to google “Dick Cavett”.
    Heather Lawrence recently posted…Cream Cheese Cranberry barsMy Profile

  13. Now I cannot remember which one I guessed, LOL! I did toy with the idea of the Dick Cavett one, I know that. Ah, well, at least I got to hear the stories behind your truths.
    Jackie recently posted…I Know I’m PrivilegedMy Profile

  14. I was wrong, again! I loved reading all the stories that went with the truths.
    Mary recently posted…Robert Renzoni VineyardsMy Profile

  15. That Elin, she’s a smart one. And that Helene, she’s a good liar. 🙂 I’m glad you played along!
    Mary Lanzavecchia recently posted…Where there is hope…My Profile

  16. Okay, that’s hilarious. How in the world did you ever come up with Dick Cavett? Very sneaky, my friend!!
    Lois Alter Mark recently posted…marie callender’s frozen desserts: more to be thankful forMy Profile

  17. Crap! That is the one I wanted so desperately to be true!!

  18. I was totally off on this one. What a fun way to engage your readers.

  19. YAY!!!!! I LOVE THAT I AM RIGHT!!!! This just made my day Helene, I am over here doing a happy dance!! (Ask my kids…I am a LOUD winner!!! 🙂 )
    It was the word “shy” that gave it away to me. Fun stories!!
    Elin Stebbins Waldal recently posted…News and EmpathyMy Profile

    • hbludman on November 26, 2014 at 8:08 am said:

      If you are looking for a new career, Elin, how about the detective business? 🙂 Great sleuthing!

  20. Oh my gosh, wow. I’ve never had any celebrity run-ins like these. It’s strange that one of the most believably normal truths you wrote was a lie. Lol! I love these.

  21. Bette asked to take a photo with you? That is really cool! I could not wait for these answers!
    Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Put An End To Fussy Eaters With Pick-Ease + GiveawayMy Profile

  22. Oh my goodness! These are so fun to read about. I think I wouldn’t have though nearly half of them were true. Love reading posts like this. 🙂
    Brittnei recently posted…Life Is GoodMy Profile

  23. Those are really neat, the true ones anyway. Thanks for sharing that was fun
    Mommy2Jam recently posted…Stand by your PAN!My Profile

  24. I think that’s the one that I guessed! {unless I’ve lost my mind which could be true!} I guessed that because I thought that you would never be too shy! Hahaha!
    WendysHat recently posted…Northern Lights Norway CruiseMy Profile

  25. It was an interesting experiment to try and guess which of your statements was true. It sounds like something that would be a great icebreaker at an event.
    Janeane Davis recently posted…Cops, Ni****s, Squirrels and HopeMy Profile

  26. Wow, what a cool experience! I was wondering which was the truth!
    Amy Desrosiers recently posted…KidKraft Deluxe Posh Dollhouse with Doll Furniture Giveaway! $249.95 Value!My Profile

  27. So awesome. I like this finding out the truths. Great and thanks for sharing.
    Debbie recently posted…FamilyFun Magazine Releases its 23rd Annual Toy of the Year AwardsMy Profile

  28. Love it! What a great follow up to your last post. You have had a lot of celebrity run ins!
    Amanda recently posted…So Very Thankful but Not Really Thankful for This.My Profile

  29. I love reading these and guessing which one is not true. Looking forward to the next one.

  30. You have had a lot of good experiences. I was looking forward to finding out the truth ones.
    Giveaways 4 Mom recently posted…For Her: System Hinoki by Hayashi Worldwide Giveaway (November 27th – December 4th)My Profile

  31. hbludman on November 30, 2014 at 1:36 pm said:

    Cool, Elizabeth! I would love to read yours.

  32. Christy on November 30, 2014 at 5:39 pm said:

    It seems that you have had a life full of living! I love it! Thanks for sharing.
    Christy recently posted…Feeling the Comfort of Home and Family Traditions with Marie Callendar’s Pot PiesMy Profile

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